[2017.5.23 sgf] AlphaGo versus Ke Jie

Go/Weiqi/Baduk sgf files:

sgf load failed...
let's see bellow Go SGF File:
(;EV[The Future of Go Summit, Match 1]RD[2017-05-23]PB[KeJie]BR[9 Dan]PW[AlphaGo]KM[7.5]SZ[19]RE[W+0.5];
sgf load failed...
let's see bellow Go SGF File:
(;EV[The Future of Go Summit, Match 2]RD[2017-05-25]PB[AlphaGo]BR[9 Dan]PW[Ke Jie]WR[9 Dan]KM[7.5]SZ[19]RE[B+R];B[qp];W[pd];B[cq];W[cd];B[ec];W[oq];B[pn];W[df];B[nc];W[qf];B[pc];W[qc];B[qb];W[oc];B[pb];W[od];B[ob];W[rc];B[nd];W[mb];B[lc];W[lb];B[qd];W[rd];B[jc];W[mc];B[pe];W[oe];B[ld];W[kp];B[iq];W[fp];B[dn];W[io];B[ch];W[cl];B[eh];W[cg];B[bg];W[bf];B[fn];W[em];B[en];W[ek];B[kq];W[lq];B[lp];W[jq];B[kr];W[jp];B[jr];W[mq];B[ip];W[ho];B[gp];W[dq];B[go];W[cp];B[lo];W[kn];B[ln];W[km];B[dp];W[hp];B[hq];W[gq];B[gr];W[fq];B[hn];W[jo];B[fr];W[do];B[co];W[ep];B[bp];W[md];B[ne];W[of];B[lm];W[le];B[kl];W[jl];B[gl];W[kk];B[ll];W[jk];B[mj];W[gj];B[pq];W[pr];B[qr];W[po];B[qo];W[on];B[op];W[np];B[pm];W[om];B[no];W[bo];B[dp];W[oo];B[pp];W[cp];B[cn];W[nl];B[lk];W[mo];B[pl];W[nj];B[ni];W[ok];B[nf];W[mi];B[li];W[mh];B[og];W[pf];B[ki];W[ij];B[lg];W[nh];B[oi];W[oh];B[pj];W[ph];B[pk];W[bq];B[dp];W[jg];B[kg];W[cp];B[jn];W[in];B[dp];W[fo];B[cp];W[gn];B[ke];W[me];B[jf];W[jb];B[ic];W[ib];B[er];W[hc];B[cc];W[bc];B[dd];W[cb];B[ce];W[dc];B[cf];W[dg];B[be])
sgf load failed...
let's see bellow Go SGF File:
(EV[The Future of Go Summit, Pair Go]RD[2017-05-26];PB[Gu Li + AlphaGo]PW[Lian Xiao + AlphaGo]SZ[19]KM[7.5];B[pd]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[cc]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[qp]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[dq]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[co]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[oq]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[pq]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[op]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[pn]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[kp]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[ep]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[fq]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[eq]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[er]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[dp]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[cq]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[dr]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[cr]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[fr]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[ds]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[gq]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[pf]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[hn]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[nc]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[nd]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[md]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[ne]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[oc]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[pe]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[qj]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[mr]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[mq]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[lq]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[pr]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[mp]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[mo]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[lp]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[pp]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[qq]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[qo]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[po]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[qn]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[qm]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[rm]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[pm]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[rp]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[rq]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[ro]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[qr]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[or]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[rl]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[qs]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[sr]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[rs]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[sm]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[rr]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[rn]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[sq]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[lo]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[qb]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[qh]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[di]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[dd]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[dc]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[fd]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[de]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[qf]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[lj]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[kd]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[jj]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[lb]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[lc]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[kc]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[mb]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[mj]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[li]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[mi]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[mk]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[mh]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[jm]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[kl]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[jl]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[ml]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[ed]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[fe]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[hc]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[gc]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[hd]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[hf]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[gf]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[ee]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[cd]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[gg]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[ge]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[fg]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[hg]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[eg]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[hh]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[if]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[je]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[jf]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[ke]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[hi]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[gh]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[ei]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[gi]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[gj]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[fj]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[ej]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[fk]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[cf]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[hb]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[jh]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[le]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[lh]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[ii]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[ek]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[fl]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[hl]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[go]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[gn]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[el]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[dl]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[dm]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[cm]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[df]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[dg]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[fo]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[fn]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[ll]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[lm]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[en]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[dn]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[em]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[eo]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[ho]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[io]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[hp]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[ip]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[hq]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[fp]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[in]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[hr]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[cl]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[dk]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[iq]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[jn]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[im]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[jq]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[jo]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[jp]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[hm]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[ir]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[bi]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[bh]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[ch]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[cg]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[bm]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[cn]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[ck]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[bj]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[cj]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[ai]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[bk]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[ci]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[rf]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[dh]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[qg]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[qe]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[pg]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[rh]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[rg]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[ng]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[rd]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[ph]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[bp]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[re]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[se]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[eb]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[lk]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[nk]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[bn]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[bo]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[ao]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[cp]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[bq]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[db]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[ec]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[gb]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[cb]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[ce]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[be]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[bf]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[fc]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[gd]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[fb]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[fa]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[ha]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[ga]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[ae]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[id]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[ie]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[he]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[ic]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[km]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[kn]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[kk]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[kj]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[mn]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[gm]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[gp]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[sf]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[jd]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[jb]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[hj]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[hk]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];B[ld]C[This move by black is played by Gu Li];W[mc]C[This move by white is played by Lian Xiao];B[ik]C[This move by black is played by Alphago];W[jk]C[This move by white is played by Alphago];)
sgf load failed...
let's see bellow Go SGF File:
(EV[The Future of Go Summit, Team Go]RD[2017-05-26];RE[W+R];PB[Chen Yaoye, Zhou Ruiyang, Mi Yuting, Shi Yue, Tang Weixing]PW[AlphaGo]SZ[19]KM[7.5]B[pd];W[dd];B[qp];W[dp];B[fq];W[oq];B[cn];W[dn];B[dm];W[en];B[cp];W[cq];B[co];W[dq];B[gp];W[po];B[qo];W[pn];B[qm];W[iq];B[ip];W[jp];B[jq];W[kq];B[jr];W[hq];B[io];W[kr];B[gn];W[do];B[dl];W[fm];B[ci];W[ej];B[di];W[hl];B[il];W[hk];B[im];W[kp];B[jj];W[qc];B[pc];W[qd];B[qf];W[qe];B[pe];W[rf];B[fc];W[hc];B[fe];W[db];B[jc];W[hh];B[eb];W[ce];B[hf];W[if];B[ie];W[id];B[ig];W[jd];B[jf];W[lc];B[rg];W[qg];B[pf];W[rh];B[cb];W[da];B[dc];W[cc];B[ec];W[bb];B[ea];W[ca];B[jb];W[nc];B[ia];W[mf];B[pg];W[sg];B[mh];W[ng];B[qh];W[nh];B[rg];W[qi];B[pi];W[qg];B[ph];W[mi];B[rg];W[ke];B[re];W[qg];B[ba];W[aa];B[rg];W[qn];B[rn];W[qg];B[ne];W[me];B[rg];W[rm];B[rl];W[qg];B[pq];W[pr];B[rg];W[pm];B[sm];W[qg];B[op];W[pp];B[qq];W[nq];B[rg];W[pb];B[ob];W[qg];B[or];W[nr];B[rg];W[qb];B[oc];W[qg];B[fl];W[gm];B[rg];W[cm];B[sf];W[cl];B[ck];W[bn];B[bk];W[bm];B[pl];W[kh];B[om];W[ji];B[li];W[lh];B[mj];W[ni];B[df];W[cf];B[dg];W[oo];B[nj];W[rd];B[pa];W[nb];B[oa];W[gb];B[lb];W[kc];B[ek];W[qr];B[rr];W[lm];B[kl];W[oj];B[oi];W[nl];B[ml];W[nm];B[no];W[np];B[on];W[op];B[ol];W[nk];B[lj];W[nn];B[ok];W[ha];B[mb];W[kb];B[mc];W[md];B[nd];W[la];B[na];W[rs];B[rq];W[bh];B[gj];W[gi];B[fi];W[fh];B[ei];W[hj];B[ln];W[kn];B[mm];W[mn];B[lo];W[mo];B[km];W[er];B[fr];W[lp];B[ll];W[jn];B[hm];W[bi];B[fg];W[gk];B[fj];W[bj];B[ka];W[ja];B[eh];W[cj];B[dj];W[al];B[ka];W[ib];B[ma];W[ic];B[gh];W[hi];B[ak];W[aj];B[ki];W[jh];B[kf];W[lf];B[fo];W[in];B[hn];W[hg];B[gg];W[ir];B[dk];W[bl];B[fs];W[mk];B[lk];W[hp];B[ho];W[gd];B[de];W[ed];B[fd];W[ge];B[gf];W[ee];B[ef];W[cd];B[br];W[bp];)
sgf load failed...
let's see bellow Go SGF File:
(;EV[The Future of Go Summit, Match 3]RD[2017-05-27]PB[AlphaGo]WR[9 Dan]PW[Ke Jie]KM[7.5]SZ[19]RE[B+R];B[pp];W[dp];B[pc];W[dd];B[fq];W[cn];B[qh];W[qn];B[qo];W[pn];B[np];W[pk];B[qj];W[eq];B[fp];W[jq];B[lq];W[hq];B[fm];W[nr];B[dm];W[dn];B[en];W[el];B[em];W[bl];B[ck];W[qq];B[pq];W[pr];B[nq];W[pd];B[oc];W[oi];B[rq];W[pg];B[qd];W[qg];B[fr];W[go];B[cq];W[cl];B[dl];W[dk];B[cj];W[dj];B[di];W[fj];B[ch];W[cp];B[dq];W[bi];B[ci];W[ep];B[er];W[bq];B[br];W[hm];B[gi];W[gj];B[hj];W[fi];B[ej];W[rr];B[rp];W[lr];B[kr];W[mr];B[kq];W[jr];B[js];W[or];B[ko];W[jn];B[kn];W[jm];B[ll];W[rm];B[om];W[on];B[nm];W[nn];B[mn];W[qe];B[pe];W[rd];B[od];W[rf];B[gk];W[fk];B[gl];W[kl];B[lk];W[kk];B[gh];W[lj];B[mj];W[kj];B[fc];W[cf];B[db];W[cc];B[fe];W[gd];B[fd];W[cb];B[df];W[gg];B[fh];W[ef];B[de];W[ce];B[jd];W[lc];B[ld];W[gc];B[fb];W[kd];B[ke];W[kc];B[ic];W[le];B[md];W[je];B[kf];W[jf];B[jg];W[kg];B[lf];W[ig];B[jh];W[ih];B[ge];W[he];B[hd];W[ie];B[jc];W[hc];B[hb];W[id];B[gb];W[mo];B[lm];W[no];B[lo];W[nk];B[ir];W[iq];B[hr];W[qb];B[qc];W[rb];B[ql];W[pl];B[pm];W[qm];B[rl];W[ri];B[qk];W[qi];B[rc];W[sc];B[cm];W[bm];B[eo];W[bp];B[rn];W[sm];B[sr];W[ls];B[ks];W[sn];B[rs];W[qr];B[ro];W[qs];B[bk];W[ar];B[cr];W[an];B[mf];W[kh];B[cg];W[pb];B[ob];W[bg];B[bh];W[bf];B[oh];W[ph];B[ni];W[oj];B[ik];W[fg];B[ji];W[ii];B[jj];W[hi];B[il];W[eh];B[ek];W[mh];B[mi];W[ij];B[jk];W[nh];B[li];W[hk];B[hl])
AlphaGo versus Ke Jie was a three-game Go match between the computer Go program AlphaGo Master and current world No. 1 ranking player Ke Jie, being part of the Future of Go Summit in Wuzhen, China, played on 23, 25, and 27 May 2017. AlphaGo defeated Ke Jie in all three games.

123 May 2017Ke JieAlphaGoW+0.5289sgf
225 May 2017AlphaGoKe JieB+Res155sgf
327 May 2017AlphaGoKe JieB+Res209sgf
AlphaGo 3–0 Ke Jie
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